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UPEF L3 Video Clip 2: Group 5 discusses CQ 3-2
Group 5 discusses CQ 3-2 (was there an energy giver that started the two magnets to move towards each other?). They initially choose B but near the end of the discussion Sarah argues for C.
UPEF L3 Video Clip 3: Class shares answers to CQ 3-3, SQ #1
The instructor asks students in class to support their answers to CQ 3-3 (SQ #1). The first student supports B. The second student supports C. The third student also chooses C. The fourth student also chooses C. He thinks the magnetic field was the energy giver because it was causing the carts to move opposite to what they were going. The fifth student supports B. The sixth student is conflicted. She thinks it should be B based on the idea that the energy giver always decreases in energy. However she also remembers from the other day that that the further apart the carts the greater the MPE. The instructor asks the class to vote again.
UPEF L3 Video Clip 4: Class discusses SQ #2
The instructor asks members of class to share their answers to SQ #2. The first student argues for Jada. The second student says if the magnets are too small then they won't work through the barrier of the belt and therefore agrees with Patrick. She refers to refrigerator magnets to support her claim. A third student says she did not choose Patrick because if the magnets were not glued to the outside of the belt they would fall off.