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UFM A3 Video Clip 3: Group 2 works through STEP 1 of Exploration #2
The group discusses their prediction for the speed-time graph of a cart when a fan unit slows it down and then reverses its direction. They agree that the speed will decrease to zero, but there is some discussion about how the speed will behave after the direction is reversed.
UFM A3 Video Clip 5: Group 5 works through Exploration #2
In discussing their prediction in STEP 1, there is some disagreement as to whether the speed has to drop to zero when the direction changes. The experiment provides evidence to support that the cart does stop momentarily. They end by concluding that a decrease in speed is caused by the fan force acting in the opposite direction to the initial push.
UFM A3 Video Clip 7: Group 3 discusses Summarizing Question S4
The group discusses when the force of the hand is acting on the cart, and so in which of the three diagrams they should show that force. They go back on forth on whether the first two diagrams ('decreasing speed' and 'stopped momentarily') should show the force or not, eventually deciding they both should. However, at this point, they do not think the third diagram ('increasing speed') should show a force.
UFM A3 Video Clip 9: Three groups present their explanations from S4
Groups 7 and 2 show the backward force of the hand on all three of their diagrams, whereas Group 4 only show it on the middle diagram, when the cart is stopped momentarily. Kathy points out that the question said all three diagrams should have been drawn while the hand was in contact with the cart and Deb seems to agree that, given this, the other group's diagrams make sense.