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USE A4 Video Clip 1: Group 3 discusses the Initial Ideas scenario
Since they saw earlier that all materials can be involved in static electric effects the group decides that both the metal and plastic electroscopes will behave the same way. Vicky was not in class that day and expresses the idea that metals and non-metals would behave differently. They decide that the tinsel will spread out on both electroscopes since both will be positively charged. April expresses an interesting idea in terms of breaking the scenario into two successive charge transfers.
USE A4 Video Clip 2: The class discusses the Initial Ideas questions
Group 3 describes their thinking that based on previous observations they expect the metal and plastic electroscopes to behave in the same way. After another group agrees with them Group 1 expresses an idea that the two materials will behave differently because they have different abilities to 'absorb' charges from the acrylic sheet.
USE A4 Video Clip 6: Two groups present their responses to Summarizing Question S5
Group 5 describes how their current model accounts for the behavior of the soda-can electroscope when the base end is touched by a negatively charged Styrofoam plate. Two students point out that they have moved some positive charges around which they learned in a homework assignment is not appropriate. Another group presents their representation that is based on what they saw in a simulator movie.